Most people by now know of dropped domain auctions, but they still fail to see the shortcuts I take with this. I went in detail about this here: Case Study - Additional Traffic Sources - But it's worth re-iterating. I buy domains with traffic going to them. I don't waste time with the SEO benefits of trying to resurrect them and get that Google thing going cause I don't know what the reason was for dropping the domain. If there is content which I can use I'll extract it from, and then delete the entries so no one has access to them ever again. I'll then take that domain and do a homepage redirect or a one to one redirect to relevant pages to my site. I just buy traffic based on the keywords and the subject matter of the domain. If something doesn't quite fit, then I'll re-create the website, and put banner as to my money site, and put the domain as part of my tiers or pyramid of sites. I make sure that each domain is paying it's own rent and move the fuck on to the next acquisition. I only like Godaddy cause I'm used to it, if there are better systems out there, go for it. What's the best type of traffic leak besides a person that's neglected a domain with traffic going to it?